Gliding Leathernecks has spared 5 units of one:48 scale 3-d published AERO-1D 300gal gasoline tank with numerous combos of tail
- FL48-8115 AERO-1D 300gal gasoline tank with bobtail
- FL48-8116 AERO-1D 300gal gasoline tank with unmarried fin tail
- FL48-8117 AERO-1D 300gal gasoline tank with two fin tail
- FL48-8118 AERO-1D 300gal gasoline tank with 3 fin tail
- FL48-8119 AERO-1D 300gal gasoline tank with 4 fin tail
Like maximum of our pieces, portions are got rid of from the print helps previous to curing and packaging and are available as proven within the picture.
CAD by way of Sandro Maljic
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