
Armorgeddon II – Armor Model Contest and Show – May 2024

Armorgeddon II - Armor Model Contest and Show - May 2024

The Gulf Coast AMPS chapter is co-hosting its second joint contest at the Santa Rosa County Auditorium (Milton FL) on 11 May 2024 from 9 AM to 4 PM. The event is open to the public and will display some of the finest modeling talents in the region, in addition to providing vendors, modeling technique demonstrations and a raffle.

Big Guns – Size Matters

The Panhandle Miniature Figure Society (PMFS) and Armor Modeling & Preservation Society (AMPS) clubs of Pensacola are hosting their second joint contest at the Santa Rosa County Auditorium on 11 May 2024 from 9 AM to 4 PM. The event is open to the public and will display some of the finest modeling talents in the region, in addition to providing vendors, modeling technique demonstrations and a raffle.

The AMPS side of the event features armor (tank) and armor-related models in a large variety of categories, from World War I to the present. The theme for the armor-related entries is “Big Guns” (Self-Propelled Artillery), although any and all armor models are eligible to compete for awards and recognition. The PMFS participants highlight miniature figures in all scales in both historical and fantasy categories. As with the armor models,all miniature figures, historical, non-military and fantasy, are judged by peers for awards and recognition.

The event is being held to raise awareness of the hobby and provide an outlet for modelers and figure painters to present their work to the general public. The vendor area proved especially popular at last year’s event, allowing attendees opportunity to purchase unusual or rare kits and get some bargains as well.

General admission is $5, with families paying only $10. Contest participants pay $20 to register with up to five different entries, and options are available for entering additional models or figures.

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