
Garage Workshop

Garage Workshop

We take a closer look at MiniArt’s Garage Workshop in 1/48th Scale.


MiniArt releases a variety of 1/48th-scale sets that are ideal for aircraft modelers in this scale. This set contains the familiar plastic mouldings, some photo-etch and some nicely designed decals. No obvious moulding problems are apparent. Minor ejector-pin marks are present, but this is the standard these days. Oil barrels are included in the right scale, and they can be used for many things. The RAF would burn them along the runway to clear the fog. There are a number of included tools, but I think the most appealing ones will be the vices and the compressor. You also get a few hammers, and I think some photo-etch spanners. Two benches with eight drawers each are included. If I were to be critical, it would have been nice for one of them to be visible from the box, instead of having the surgery. This release also includes a pillar-drill and a grinding machine.

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This release, as a whole, is meant to be a garage for cars. The modeller can use the garage set in a variety of settings by carefully selecting what is included and what is not. As I said before, I believe the aircraft modeler will appreciate the release the most as it contains items which are hard to find in this scale.

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