
Hobbyboss releases two new products in July

Two new releases from Hobbyboss in July

In our preview, we look at the colours, decals & build up kits. We look at the colours, decals & build up kits in our preview…

Preview: Two new releases from Hobbyboss in July

French Light Cruiser Georges Leygues

by Hobby Boss


Model1/350th scale

Georges Leygues was a French light cruiser of the La Galissonniere class. She served in World War II with Vichy France as well as the Allies. Her name was inspired by the 19th- and 20th century French politician Georges Leygues. On November 15, 1937, it was put into service. It was sent to the port of Mers-el-Kebir on April 24, 1940, but escaped the attack by the British Royal Navy on July 3rd. The colour scheme in this kit

The stickers in the box

It was placed under the command and control of the Allied Forces to conduct patrols on the Atlantic Ocean after the Allied landings in North Africa in Operation Torch. It returned to Dakar after undergoing repairs in Philadelphia from October 1943. It participated, along with the French cruiser Montcalm off the Port-en-Bessin coast, in Operation Neptune, and on 6 June 1944 it attacked the German positions of Omaha Beach. The Longues-sur-Mer Battery Bombing took place on D-Day. It stayed at the Bay of Seine up until June 10, 1944. On September 13, 1944, the cruiser Georges Leygues that took part in the August 1944 landings in Provence, located Toulon. The cruiser was remodeled in Casablanca after the war and took part in bombing campaigns in Indochina in 1954, as well as in 1956’s capture of Suez Canal. The hull is made of two-directional slides molds. The T-72A shares many similarities with Object 172. The T-72 is one of the world’s most popular post-World War II tank designs. It was developed directly from Object 172 and shares parallel features with the T-64A. Also built in Poland and former Czechoslovakia.

Length:216mm / Width: 102mm

Total of 23 sprues , lower hull and turret

ModelThe kit consists of over 750 parts

Multi-slide moulded turret and lower hull

217 individual tracks links

The kit built up by Hobbyboss’ model makers

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