Large Scale US Tank Accessories & Mauser K98
Royal Model is releasing a brand new set of accessories in 1/16th scale.
1034 U.S. Tanker Jacket-WWII No.1 (1/16th scale)
1067 U.S. Tanker Jacket-WWII No.2 (1/16th scale)
1076 U.S. Tanker Jacket-WWII No. 3 (1/16 scale).
1044 U.S. jerry cans-WWII (2 pcs.) (1/16 scale)
Part 1 of 1017 tentpacks and Bedrolls (1/16 scale).
Part 2 of 1063 tentpacks and bedsrolls (1/16th scale).
1079 Mauser K98 rifle (1/16 scale)
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