
MiniArt’s 35th-scale “Panzer Crew 1942-45” is featured in our preview

MiniArt's new 35th scale "Panzer Crew 1943-45" in our Preview

New figure sets bring new life to models and dioramas. MiniArt figures have improved greatly over the years. In our preview, we look at what comes in their newest kit “Panzer Crew 1943-45”. We look at what comes in their newest kit “Panzer Crew 1943-45” in our preview…

MiniArt’s new 35th scale “Panzer Crew 1943-45” in our Preview

Panzer Crew 1943-45

From MiniArt

1/35th scaleModels

Kit No #35465

Four figures included…

German tank crews from WWII. You might argue that there is a saturation in the market, but since you keep purchasing German tanks for them to live in, why don’t we make something different? Everybody wants to see figures with new body language and poses. They don’t look cold or hot. They would fit any European spring or summer scenario. The kit includes figures, equipment, and weapons that tankers can use in any situation. In the past MiniArt ‘s figures have needed some work especially around the faces – these we can say have great details in clothing and the faces!

The figures are delivered on one sprue each…

The commander has his own pair of optical lenses to use…

Interestingly thee is a full weapons and ammo sprue if you want to either include that in your AFV or to show the tanker close to the line with self defence weapons…

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About Haluk Cetin

I'm Haluk, everyone calls me Hulk. Skydiver, Scale modeler, and Frontend Developer. author.

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