
More "Son of Sherman" volumes available from David Doyle Books

More "Son of Sherman" volumes available from David Doyle Books

David Doyle Books has announced further printing of the “Son of Sherman” 2-volume set.

This just out from David Doyle Books regarding Son of Sherman, the sought-after compendium on the Sherman tank:

Several of you have contacted us saying that for various reasons, you missed out on the massive revised Son of Sherman book that was released last fall.  In response, we have arranged for a very limited reprint of this book!  The quantity being printed is far smaller, and accordingly, the price must be higher.  These books are expected to arrive in late March – given the various current issues with global shipping, that is only an estimate. If you want one of these, please read all the words in the next two paragraphs to avoid disappointment.

We are taking reservations for these books now.  As always, no money is due at the time of reservation.  You will be notified when the books arrive, at which time payment will be due.  Typically, we allow about one week for payment, after which time the reservations are canceled and the books made available to others.  Unfortunately, last time some folks weren’t reading their emails in a timely manner, or weren’t checking their spam folders – or simply didn’t take the deadlines seriously.  Sadly, that lead to a few people being disappointed (and others very happy, because they were able to snap up the books made available as a result of the defaulted reservations).  If you reserve a book, save yourself some grief by reading our emails – and if you are not clear about something, just ask. While we can’t say how many books are being printed, it is a smaller number than before, so reserve now before they are all spoken for. To reserve your copy,

click here

UNLESS you live in the UK or Europe.

Different from last time – we have a partner in the UK who is handling sales in the UK and Europe!  We hope this will reduce travel time and shipping cost. If you live in those areas,

add to UK/European list

 and we will pass your information along to them. I cannot speak for them regarding pricing. Due to exchange rates and varying inbound shipping costs, their pricing can be different from ours – but the objective is to reduce the cost of the combined books plus shipping for our European friends.


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About Haluk Cetin

I'm Haluk, everyone calls me Hulk. Skydiver, Scale modeler, and Frontend Developer. author.

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