Rado Miniatures will be releasing new etching & 3D-printed improvements to your kit in April.
Rado Miniatures have brand new 3-D printed wheels for your Morris & 8-Rad vehicles, mesh grilles, insignia & MG’s for your tank hunters already on sale We look at them in our preview…
New etch & 3-D printed improvements for your kits from Rado Miniatures in April
German WW2 Belt Buckles (Heer/W-SS, Polizei, RAD, SA, KM, LW)
New tooling
From Radu Miniatures
Photo-etch parts
1/35th scale
Part no#35PE23
This selection of German WW2 Belt Buckles in photo-etch covers various formations such as: Heer, Waffen SS, Luftwaffe, Polizei, Kriegsmarine, Hitler Jugend, SA, RAD, Political Leader
StuG Abteilungen & Brigaden, set #2 (unit stencils)
New tooling
From Radu Miniatures
Photo-etch parts
1/35th scale
Part no#35PE24
Price: EUR11
This second set of photo-etch StuG crew Insignia includes insignia from: 177. StuG Brigaden, set #2 (unit stencils)
New tooling
From Radu Miniatures
Photo-etch parts
1/35th scale
Part no#35PE24
Price: EUR11
This second set of photo-etch StuG crew Insignia includes insignia from: 177. StuG. Abt. 190. Abt. 191. StuG. Abt. StuG. Abt., 202. StuG Brigade, 237. StuG Brigade, 243. StuG Brigade, 341. StuG Brigade, 912. StuG Brigade
From Radu Miniatures
Photo-etch parts
1/35th scale
Part no#35PE25
Price: EUR11
This second set of photo-etch British WW2 Insignia includes insignia from: RTR, Australian Forces, CLY, Coldstream Guards, Royal Marines, New Zealand Forces, Royal Engineers, 8th Gurkhas, Sherwood Rangers, RAC, South African Forces, Fife and Forfar, REME, Free Polish Forces, British Airborne & the Polish Independent Airborne Brigade (1. SBS)
German WWII Cap Insignia (Heer/W-SS,Polizei/Luftwaffe) new tooling
From Radu Miniatures
Photo-etch parts
1/16th scale
Part no#16PE16 ,
Price: EUR22
This is a sheet of photo-etch with a selection of WW2 German cap insignia, Heer, W-SS, Luftwaffe & Polizei cap insignia..
StuG/Pz. III mesh grills (Trumpeter/Heller kits)
New tooling
From Radu Miniatures
Photo-etch parts
1/16th scale
Part no#16PE17 ,
Mesh grilles dedicated for the 1/16th scale StuG and Panzer III kits from Heller or Trumpeter. These are double sided and include tool brackets.ModelsMorris C8 F.A.T. 3D printed wheels (
3D printed resin
1/35th scale
), from Radu Miniatures
3D-printed resin
1/35th scale
Set No# 35S20
Set of high quality 3D printed wheels for the Gecko Model Morris Commercial C8 Field Artillery Tractor with Dunlop Trak Grip wheel thread. Set of high-quality 3D-printed wheels, for Gecko
Morris Commercial C8 Field Artillery Tractor with Dunlop Trak Grip thread. Eelke Warrink designed the wheels.
The wheels simply need to be removed from their attachment points and fitted to the model…
Morris C9/B Goodyear thread (5 pcs), 3D Print
From Radu Miniatures
3D printed resin
1/35th scale
Set No# 35S20 ModelSet of high quality, 3D printed wheels for Gecko
Morris Commercial C8 Field Artiller Designed by Eelke Warrink.
The wheels simply need to be removed from their attachment points and fitted to the model…
Morris C9/B Goodyear thread (5 pcs), 3D Print
From Radu Miniatures
3D printed resin
1/35th scale
Set No# 35S21
High quality, 1/35 scale, 3D printed wheel set, dedicated for the Thunder
Morris C9/B w/Bofors gun. The Goodyear pattern. Designed by Eelke Warrink.
British 40mm Ammo Boxes, 3 types (6 pcs. Radu Miniatures
3D Printed Resin
1/35th Scale
Set # 35S22 Price: EUR16
Set consists of six high-quality, 3D printed ammo boxes for the Bofors 40mm gun. Thunder
Morris C9/B gun truck early/late set. Included are 3 types of boxes. 234 wheel set, Continental thread (8 wheels, 1 spare), 3D Print
From Radu Miniatures
3D printed resin
1/35th scale
Set No# 35S23
Price: EUR30
Wheel set dedicated for German WW2 8-wheeler series, the Sd.kfz. From Radu Miniatures
3D-printed resin
1/35th Scale
Set no# 35S23
Price: EUR30
Wheel Set for German WW2 eight-wheeler, Sd.kfz. Continental thread on 234 armored vehicles. Eight heightened wheels plus one spare. Printing of the highest quality and accuracy and realistic depiction of original features. Eeelke warrink designed the design. Shipping of items starts 8th of April.
Sd.kfz. From Radu Miniatures
3D-printed resin
1/35th Scale
Set no# 35S24 Deka thread for 234 armored vehicles. 8 raised wheels with 1 spare. Printing of the highest quality and accuracy and realistic depiction of original features. Eeelke warrink designed the design. Shipping of items starts 8th of April.
Sd.kfz. From Radu Miniatures
3D-printed resin
1/35th Scale
Set no# 35S25
Wheel Set dedicated to German WW2 eight-wheeler, the Sd.kfz. Pirelli thread on 234 armored vehicles. 8 raised wheels plus 1 spare. Printing of the highest quality and accuracy and realistic depiction of original features. Eeelke warrink designed the design. Shipping of items starts 8th of April.
Sd.kfz. From Radu Miniatures
3D-printed resin
1/35th Scale
SourceSet no# 35S26 01.001010Wheel Set dedicated to German WW2 eight-wheeler, the Sd.kfz. Pirelli thread on 234 armored vehicles. 8 raised wheels plus 1 spare. Printing of the highest quality and accuracy and realistic depiction of original features. Shipping of items starts on 8th April.01001010Rundumfeuer MG, early Hetzer/StuG (2x MG, 2x shield)01001010From Radu Miniatures010010103D printed resin010010101/72nd scale01001010Set No# 72S05 01001010Rundumfeuer MG, early for Hetzer and Stug III/IV in 1/72 scale. Shipping of items starts 8th of April.01001010Rundumfeuer MG, early, Hetzer/StuG (2x MG, 2x shield)01001010From Radu Miniatures010010103D printed resin010010101/72nd scale01001010Set No# 72S05 01001010Rundumfeuer MG, early for Hetzer and Stug III/IV in 1/72 scale. The 3D printed model is of high quality. The set includes two MGs (with or without buttstock), and two generic shields for the Hetzer/StuG. Designed by Eelke Warrink.01001010Rundumfeuer MG, late, Hetzer/StuG (2x MG, 2x shield)01001010From Radu Miniatures010010103D printed resin010010101/72nd scale01001010Set No# 72S06 01001010Rundumfeuer MG, late (Panzerlauf barrel) for Hetzer and Stug III/IV in 1/72 scale. High-quality 3D printing. The set includes two MGs (with or without buttstock), and two generic shields for the Hetzer/StuG. Eelke warrink designed this.