Reggiane RE: 2001/2005 and Beyond, New Book Alert
“We have sent the book to print!” Reggiane RE 2001, RE 2005 and Beyond”Model………………………..MMP[MMP]
The development of the famous Italian WWII fighters of the Reggiane factory, with inline engines, is described and illustrated. RE 2001, RE 2005 and prototypes are also described. The book describes its design, operation, and development. The book includes scale plans, photographs and drawings taken from Technical Manuals. It also contains rare black and white archive photos. Colour photos of the preserved aircraft illustrate all aspects of the airframe.Reggiane RE 2001, RE 2005 and Beyond
A4, paperback
Release date:
- 03-2024Catalogue number:
- 8126Author:
- Przemyslaw SkulskiIllustrator:
- Andrzej M. OlejniczakISBN: 9788367227636
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