
Snowman Model – Jagdpanzer Hetzer Prague, May 1945 in 1/35th

Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer Prague May 1945 in 1/35th scale from Snowman Model preview...

The HetzersModel Jagdpanzer 38t’s that were liberated by the Czech resistance in the Prague uprising in 1945 are the subject of Snowman


Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer Prague May 1945 in 1/35th scale from Snowman Model preview…
 Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer Prague May 1945
Special Limited Edition Series
From Snowman Model
Kit No: SE-001
1/35th scale
Five marking choices included in the box


Some photos of the Jagdpanzer 38t’s that the resistance fighters used after making sure they could not be confused with Nazi-owned Hetzers…

Altered by the resistance fighters, these tank destroyers were liberated from the BMM plants in Prague, Model

These tank destroyers did not have the main gun installed, so the holes for their installation were improvised closed with steel plates or wood with an embrasure for a machine gun. Three groups were formed by the “tank” rebel forces of Prague. The insurgent Hetzer on the photo below was a member of the Neubauer fighting group. This machine was decorated with the names of those who died and were wounded at the time of the Prague Uprising parade, held in May 1945. This one can be seen at the Lesany military museum, Czech republic.

These vehicles were unfinished and captured from the factory. They had been hastily equipped with machine guns. This one can be seen at the Lesany military museum, Czech republic.

The picture shows the transport of the unfinished Hetzer tank destroyer, commissioned by the insurgents during the Prague Uprising in May 1945, to the museum in Kbely in the mid-1970s.

The kit: Snowman

‘s Jagdpanzer 38t “


used by Czech resistance during 1945 Prague

uprising is an interesting subject – and it is likely to sell loads, especially in Central European model shops!

This kit gives us five options of the liberated Hetzers with their slightly different modifications, mostly around the hole that the main gun would be inserted in. This kit gives us five options of the liberated Hetzers with their slightly different modifications, mostly around the hole that would be inserted for main gun. Others will know much more, this is a model page, not a history essay …

These CADs show the slight changes to each of these machines…

In this kit there are 3-D printed parts that enable the simple transformation into one of these tanks from the uprising…

Photo-etch is provided for the guards, the engine grilles & main gun hole covers.ModelYou can see that one of these vehicles were marked with the red communist flag.

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