Arto releases three new German SS Tank Crew figures
35028 SS-Oscha. Johann Terdenge 05/36
It was created based on well known archival photos. The 1SS obtained an Italian army gloves in 1943. This hat was worn by tankers of the 3SS Panzer Division during the battle of Kharkov in winter 1943. This hat is common in tankers of the 3SS Panzer Division during the battle of Kharkov in the winter of 1943.
The figure includes two heads: one with the earflaps detached and the second with the earflaps attached, as can be seen in the photos.
He wears 7×10 binoculars around his neck, which give this figure its distinctiveness.
The kriegsmarine leather uniform on the figure were widely worn near the end of the war, so it can be used for most SS Panzer units without modification of the uniform (1SS, 2SS, 3SS, 9SS, 12SS, sSS501, sSS502, sSS503 etc)
It is also suitable for use with the 1SS of the Eastern Front in the winter of 1943/44 or in the Battle of Ardennes in December 1944.
35029 SS-Hstuf. Wittmann, im Tiger
This figure, which is a Tiger-I ‘231’ pose, can be combined with Tiger-I ‘231’ as well as ‘007’.
35029 SS-Strm. Gunter Boldt, im Tiger
He died shortly after the film was taken at the age of 18. He died only a few months after this film was made at the age of 18.
He wears an M44 Dot pattern panzer jacket. The M43 cap is creased and shows its use. This is a very common pose, which can easily be matched to not just s.SS-Pz.Abt.101 or other SS heavy tanks battalions who had Tiger-II.