DN Models has released a set of 1/48th F-5F Franken Tiger AGgressor US Navy VFC-111 Camouflage Paint Masks.
F-5F Franken Tiger Aggressor US NAVY VFC-111 Camouflage Paint Masks 1/48th
Suggested scale – 1/48th
Suggested kits – F-5F in quarter scale
SKU –48/827-151
F-5F Franken Tiger Aggressor US NAVY Camo Paint Masks 1/48 (dnmodels.com)
The set includes two sheets of masks (shown in the picture). Masks made of thin tape that is easily peeled and does not leave any marks. Tests are done on both painted and clear models. They can be reused if they are carefully removed from the surface after painting. Semi-transparent for easy and accurate placement. Semi-transparent for easy and accurate placing.
The F-5F Franken Tiger is a camouflage derived from Su-27/Su-35 Siberian /or Arctic Blizzard/ Camo scheme, despite the serious difference in size between both jets..
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