Master Fighter 1/48 VBMR L SERVAL, Fardier Riders & More!
New kits of:
- VBMR-L SERVAL in French earth brown (MF48645K)
- Fardier Rider UNAC with trailer in French earth brown (MF48642KR)
- Fardier Rider with 120 mm mortar (MF48642KM)
- Gendarmerie Centaure in Gendarmerie blue (MF48647K)
- VB2L with Hornet T1 turret (MF48646K)
All these models are from the Master Fighter range and are available in very limited quantities from Quarter Kits
Fardier rider with 120-mm mortar
The Fardier Ride UNAC trailer
VB2L with Hornet T1 turret
Gendarmerie Centaure