
The Modelling News: Luftfahrtverlag-Start’s new book on the Propaganda Company 666 Vol.I: Western Campaign at pre-order…

The Modelling News: Luftfahrtverlag-Start's new book on the Propaganda Company 666 Vol.I: Western Campaign at pre-order...

The history & workings of the Propaganda Companie 666 is under the focus in Luftfahrtverlag-Start’s new (dual English & German) book (Volume I) from Axel Urbanke. We have information & photos of this large book in our preview…

Luftfahrtverlag-Start’s new book on the Propaganda Company 666 Vol.I: Western Campaign.

PK 666: The Propaganda Company 666: Insights into the history of a propaganda unit

Volume I: Formation and the Western Campaign of 1940

From Luftfahrtverlag-start

By Axel Urbanke

Pages-Weight: approx. About 530 pages weighing approximately 4 kilograms. Maps are approximately 30 color maps

Format: 25 cm x 28 cm, Large Format

This book is due for release in March 2025

ISBN: 978-3-941437-58-6

Price: 88 EUR

The topic of propaganda during the Third Reich continues to play a significant role in contemporary discussions. 30 color maps

Format: 25 cm x 28 cm, Large Format

This book is due for release in March 2025

ISBN: 978-3-941437-58-6

Price: 88 EUR

The topic of propaganda in the Third Reich continues to play a significant role in contemporary discussions. It is interesting to note that no military historians have yet given this topic a thorough study. Only detailed treatments are available on anti-Semitic propaganda and incitement. What was the German propaganda like? What were the war correspondent guidelines, and what percentage of them was actually implemented? Who censored the result, and how did the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda and the Supreme Command of the -Wehrmacht cooperate? Who were the correspondents of war, and what was their involvement in final films and publications? What happened when the final product was not what you expected? Were any guidelines given? Was the staging of combat scenes? How dangerous was it to be a war reporter, and how did men get the drive to risk their lives over and over again for pictures and reports?

This book addresses all of these questions and reveals that many of the claims made by post-war authors about the PK unit are completely unfounded.

The first part of the book provides an introduction to the PK and addresses many questions about propaganda that have never been asked before. The second half of this book, about 80 percent of it, is devoted to the Western Campaign and the Propaganda Company. The company’s correspondents were attached to the 12th Army, and worked alongside the infantry divisions from the III Army Corps as well as Guderian’s Panzer Corps. The book is arranged chronologically and includes photographs, reports and war correspondents from PK 666. Guderian’s march through the Ardennes is followed by the reader. He takes part in battles at Sedan, the Maas Crossing, Stonne, St. Quentin and Montreuil, then advances along with Panzer Divisions to Boulogne, Calais and Abbeville on the English Channel. Finally, the battles for the heavily defended fortresses in these two port cities are depicted.

Afterwards, the tanks march south, and together with the infantry divisions, they advance through the Aisne towards the Swiss border. Readers will see battles on the Aisne near Rethel and Champagne, close to Chalons, the Rhein-Marne canal, St. Dizier at Chaumont, Langres and Besancon, as well as in Champagne. The battles are described using the original documents of the various divisions, accompanied by photos and the reports of the men from PK 666. This book has never before been published. This book provides brief bios for all of the war reporters of PK 666. After the war, many of these men appeared on the scene in different capacities. This is the first book to document the history of an actual propaganda company.


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