Kit for the new Italian Autoblindo 42 armoured vehicle & separate internal set (from Lanmo models).
Our preview includes information on the vehicle, the kit, and the separate interior set. We have info on the vehicle, the kit, & the separate interior set in our preview…
From Lanmo models
Kit No. MM35005
1/35th scale
Spring suspension, metal barrel & photo-etch included
Expected launch in March 2025
Italian Autoblindo 41 armoured car
The Autoblinda (AB) 41 was an Italian armoured car developed by Fiat-Ansaldo. The Italian army had been equipped with limited and outdated Fiat-Terni Tripoli and Lancia IZ armoured vehicles, which were designed during World War I. The army required a new combat vehicle to be used for desert reconnaissance and patrolling. The AB 41 was developed between 1937 and1939. Initially it was intended to equip the armoured vehicle with machine gun armament (3 8 mm Breda Mod.38s). However, Italy’s entrance into the war, and the start of hostilities on North Africa led to the decision to install a Breda Mod.35 20 mm autocannon. The Autoblindo 41 was a machine gun-armed AB 40 that was a refined model.
A nicely restored AB 41 in museum care.
Featuring an all-riveted construction, this armoured vehicle boasted four-wheel drive and a four-wheel steering system, although the latter proved to be troublesome. The vehicle’s innovative design enabled spare wheels to fit on the sides of the vehicle, which allowed it to navigate rough terrain and over higher obstacles. AB 41 Ferroviaria was the designation of some modified models that ran on rails. They were equipped with rail guards and sand boxes to keep objects off the rails. The AB 41 Ferroviaria version had six forward and four reverse speeds, as well as a front- and rear-driver position. Two crew members were required to drive this vehicle. The AB 40/41 was a well-designed vehicle with a top-speed of 70 km/hr (45 mph), excellent road and cross country performance, and good armor (15 mm for the front plates). An AB 41 from the 3rd Armoured Group of the Nizza Cavalry of the Ariete Division was captured in Libya, during the summer 1942. The AB 41 was the most popular Italian armoured car during the 1940-1943 production period. The armoured car earned a good reputation among Italian troops on the North African theatre of operations, and it was used not only by the Italians but also by the Germans.
AB 41 in German service with designation Pz.Sp.Wg.AB 41 201(i).
However, some models exhibited poor detail design, including difficult access to the powerplant, an unprotected fuel tank, a one-man turret, exposed traverse gear, and a lack of an interior bulkhead separating the engine and crew compartments. Despite its flaws, it was still considered a great vehicle. It was one of the most advanced armoured vehicles of the time. The chassis of the AB 41 was used to build the SPA Viberti AS.42. In total, approximately 550 vehicles were built. The Italians planned to upgrade the AB 41 by adding a 47 mm gun, as the AB 43. However, the Armistice of Cassibile of September 1943 disrupted these plans. The rear armoured plate has “IIIdeg gr.” written on it. Corazzato Nizza Cav.”. Regio Esercito was the license plate. The kit:
This kit is a new version of the Italian Autoblindo 41 armored car by Llan
. The Ba64 armoured vehicle kits are also very interesting. The blue-shaded doors can be opened or closed. This kit uses sandwich-together wheels, which we like. It is best to use a thin layer of glue to adhere the parts together. Then, use capilliary to tighten them up. The interior structure kit for this model can be purchased separately under the
set number NM3501 – Autoblindo 40.41.43armored vehicle internal structure kit. This kit, which is available separately, includes not only the crew compartment but also internal weapons and ammunition storage as well as engine and transmission. Lanmo says this kit is compatible with the AB40 kits, 41 and 43. A full engine is included for those maintenance scenes or kocked out vehicle scenes. This kit is expected to be released in March 2025.