
KV Soviet Heavy Tanks

KV Soviet Heavy Tanks

Tankograd has released a hardback title entitled ‘KV Soviet heavy tanks’

KV Soviet Heavy Tanks

The Soviet Tank that Paved the Road to Victory

Prototypes – Pre-Series – KV-1 – KV-2

And the German KW I/KW II Beutepanzer Captured Tanks

Previously, the Soviet KV (Kliment “Klim” Voroshilov) series of heavy tanks was described in many Western sources as being a slow and cumbersome sidekick to the T-34, and that it had only limited influence on combat during Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. According to the latest research, this view is no longer valid. In recent years the author conducted a complete and impartial assessment of KV’s true role in the Eastern Front. After analyzing new information, we can say with confidence that the KV legacy was severely underrated. This book provides a comprehensive update of research into the KV tank family, its development, its pre-series vehicle, its production, and deployment, and corrects previous mistakes. The book includes many new discoveries in previously unknown detail, including new variants. An additional and extensive chapter also rewrites the story of KV tanks serving in the German Wehrmacht as KW Beutepanzers.

In 728 pages, supported by 1,030 wartime photographs, 204 other black&white photographs, 345 2-D and 3-D graphics, as well as 18 1/35-scale 5-perspective line drawings plus 32 colour plates and graphics and 45 colour photographs, this is the first ever extensively visual coverage of a tank design that has lived far too long in the shadow of the T-34. The “Klim Voroshilov” tank family can now finally take its deserved place alongside the defenders of the Soviet motherland in 1941 and in world tank history.

Limited Edition: 999 copies


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