Mantis Miniatures will release a set of underwater, sunken treasure and scavengers in 35th Scale in June.
Check them out in our preview…
Undersea, sunken treasure & scavenger sets in 35th-scale from Mantis Miniatures for June. Check them out in our preview…
Undersea, sunken treasure & scavenger sets in 35th scale from Mantis Miniatures in June…
New sets in flor and fauna and some sunken, stolen treasure and a dier trying to reclaim it are in Mantis Miniatures new sets of June. These are 3D printed in resin, and would fit a far few dioramas you might have planned in your head….
WW2 German Diver (Alternative Heads)
From Mantis Miniatures
by Artur Miniszewski
Kit No #35181
1/35th scale
3D printed in resin
Price 17EUR
This first set will look great on some tye of aquatic seabed or a docksite water scene. The WWII German deep-sea diver in the pressure suit and diving helmet was a very iconic look. The sculptor may have used a large photograph to create this realistic 3d model. This figure is based on the same image as the museum suit. He looks great in this painted up version (with either head – you can use both in the helmet btw…)
Animals Set 55
From Mantis Miniatures
by Artur Miniszewski
Kit No #35183
1/35th scale
3D printed in resin
Price 17EUR
This soft-bodied, eight-limbed mollusc of the order Octopoda is seen in a new set of the salty bottom of the ocean, with a star, a shelly & a crabby friend. The four ocean dweelers have been sculpted in 1/35th scale to fit into your seaside nautical dioramas. We can smell the clear resin being poured now…
Animals Set 56
by Artur Miniszewski
Kit No #35184
1/35th scale
3D printed in resin
Price 17EUR
Two more scavengers from the Africa set are these vultures, eating a poor young bovine that didn’t make it. Thee vultures look pretty sinister!
Animals Set 57
From Mantis Miniatures
by Artur Miniszewski
Kit No #MAC43
1/35th scale
3D printed in resin
Price 17EUR
This set of three (they look hyenas or wild dogs) with one even carrying a stick – are 3D printed resin prints in 1/35th scale. Two are seen walking, while one is looking off to the side, rather having a sleep than a schlep!
Stolen Gold
From Mantis Miniatures
by Artur Miniszewski
Kit No #MAC43
1/35th scale
3D printed in resin
Price 17EUR
These prescious treasures can be used on land, under lande being dug up or under the sea or water, like we see later on in this article. We would assume that the wooden box is locked to protect unknown treasures. The cross and candelabra, with gold in German markings hints at something long forgotten somewhere hidded form the public.
(9 pieces in different sizes)
From Mantis Miniatures
by Artur Miniszewski
Kit No #MAC44
1/35th scale
3D printed in resin
Price 17EUR
The only thing that does not ome in the sunken treasure set – this group of nine different sized underwater plants woul dbe a great accessory for these. The flow of the water is nicely captured in this set.
Sunken Treasure
(Included Sets 35181, 35183, MAC43)
From Mantis Miniatures
by Artur Miniszewski
Kit No #
1/35th scale
3D printed in resin
Price 48EUR
What we love about Artur Miniszewski from Mantis Miniatures’ work is that the figures and animals all seem to tell a unified story. The sets that we’ve seen before are combined into this mini-diorama. This set is a great example of imagination. A great set is made by a lot of imagination.