
MiniArt expands their storage capacity with this 24th scale set of “Plastic Barrels 200L”.

MiniArt expands their storage capacity with this 24th scale set of "Plastic Barrels 200L".

Today we preview their latest set, with plastic barrels (made from plastic) in our preview…

MiniArt upsizes plastic storage with the 24th scale “Plastic Barrels 200L” set…

Plastic Barrels 100L

From MiniArt

Kit No #24011Models

1/24th scale

Injection moulded kit

This kit contains six barrels

Today we preview their latest set, with plastic barrels (made from plastic) in our preview…

MiniArt upsize their plastic storage with the 24th scale “Plastic Barrels 200L” set…

Plastic Barrels 100L

From MiniArt

Kit No #24011

1/24th scale

DecalsInjection moulded kit

This kit contains six barrelson their website…

In an expansion of their 1/24th scale series of accessories, MiniArt has another new set to be released next month. The “Plastic Barrels 200L”, or “HDPE” Drums, are made of plastic. Some solvents cannot be stored in plastic drums and require steel ones. The look is very similar to these 200-litre plastic drums, with their metal seal and double ribbed design. Six plastic drums are included in the box. The barrels and HAZCHEM & radiation signage are also included. These drums have a lot of signage for HAZCHEM and radiation.


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