MiniArt’s 35th scale Sd.Kfz.234/1 Schwerer Panzerspahwagen. Early Mod. Early Mod.
The kit contains six marking choices in the box.
The Subject: Sd.Kfz.234/1 Schwerer Panzerspahwagen.
The Sd.Kfz. 234 (Sonderkraftfahrzeug 234 – or Special Purpose Vehicle 234) was a family of armored cars designed and built in Germany during World War II. The vehicles were equipped with light armor and were armed either with main guns of 20, 50 or 75 millimeters. They were also powered by the Tatra V12 engine. Sd.Kfz. The Sd.Kfz.234/1 Schwerer Panzerspahwagen was photographed near Lippstadt in April 1945. It is the “cover girl” of this boxing. 231 (8 rad).
The “cover girl” of this boxing, this Sd.Kfz.234/1 Schwerer Panzerspahwagen was photographed near Lippstadt in April 1945.
Development of armored wheeled vehicles began in Germany after World War I, as they were not subject to the restrictions of the Versailles Treaty. Sd.Kfz. The canvas cover over the turret area of this vehicle is not also…
A canvas cover over the turret area of this vehicle is…
During the Wehrmacht’s early invasions in Poland and France, the combat experience with fast-moving, hard-hitting wheeled reconnaissance vehicles highlighted deficiencies in existing designs. 231/232/233/263 (8-Rad), which were part of the GS series.
A canvas cover over the turret area of this vehicle is of not also…
During the Wehrmacht’s early invasions of Poland and France, the combat experience with fast-moving, hard-hitting wheeled reconnaissance vehicles highlighted deficiencies in existing designs. A new armored vehicle project, which incorporated lessons learned from Wehrmacht external operations, was launched in August 1940. Sd.Kfz. The Sd.Kfz. 232 variant, featured a monocoque chassis with eight wheels and an air-cooled engine suitable for North African conditions.
An Sd.Kfz. The 234/1 reconnaissance car in a city square in WWII
The chassis was built by Bussing NAG in Leipzig-Wahren. The engines came from Ring Hoffer-Tatra-Werke AG of Nesselsdorf.
After the action, this vehicle was captured in a photograph, note the damage at the rear of the vehicle.
This vehicle is (stated) to be seen in or around Paris. Note the canvas coverings over the partially open turret, and the lights on the front. A second engine was developed due to the excessive noise of the original model. Sd.Kfz. The 234 was the only German armoured vehicle with an air-cooled engine. The Tatra 103 was originally designed as a temporary measure until a more suitable engine for tropical climates can be created. However, it remained in production until its end. It featured an eight-wheel steering system and a rear-facing second driver seat to allow for rapid changes of direction. Its transmission had six forward and reverse gears, providing traction across all eight wheels
Sd.Kfz. 234/1 reconnaissance vehicle with its 20mm armament at maximum elevation.This Sd.Kfz.234/1 Schwerer Panzerspahwagen was the second version of the Sd.Kfz. 234. The production of this vehicle lasted from mid-1944 to the end World War II. It was similar to the early reconnaissance vehicles in that it had a turret with 360-degree rotation and a cannon of 2 cm KwK38, as well as a 7.92 mm MG 42 coaxial. Turret could be raised up to 70 degrees for anti-aircraft purposes. The grilles to the left and right of the turret protected against explosive devices. The early Sd.Kfz. This turret was not like the Sd.Kfz. This turret was 250/9. It lacked the base. The 2 cm KwK 38, known as the ‘Hangelafette 38
,’ had been developed in April 1940. Due to its 2 cm turret, the silhouette was reduced. In the beginning, the half of new vehicles would be equipped with the 2cm gun and the other half the 7.5cm armament. In April 1944, 234/3 was introduced. The ratio was changed from 234/1 to 3 Sd.Kfz. In March 1944, the ratio changed from 13 Sd.Kfz. In March 1944, 234/3 was introduced. The production delays delayed the date of the launch to June 1944. By October, it was reduced to seven Sd.Kfz. The ratio was adjusted to seven Sd.Kfz. 234/1. Sd.Kfz. The kit is MiniArt
Sd.Kfz.234/1 Sd. Panzerspahwagen. Early Mod. This kit continues the Sdkfz 234, with a full interior kit. We have some great CADs that show the details and makeup of the kit. A walk around of the whole armoured car, with the golden parts representing the photo-etch.The open turret of the Sd.Kfz.234/1 Schwerer Panzerspahwagen with the simpler, open turret (Hangelafette 38) armed with a 2 cm KwK 38 gun
The turret is enclosed with the mesh grille for keeping not only the elements (and some hand grenades) out, but to give partial coverage for the weather. A canvas cover would only be needed if desired.
The gun’s underside.
The rear of the vehicle. This kit includes the entire engine bay, including the wiring. The interior is included in this kit. It includes the twin steering position, as well as the entire engine. The interior is well-detailed, with radios and crew room added to the 4,825 cc (905″) Tatra 103 diesel engine that produces 157 kW (211 hp). It shows the ignition and wiring harnesses, you can see that MiniArt has supplied all of this inside the box.
The R/T gear is important on a vehicle like this, and it is included in this full interior kit
We are looking forward to this addition to the 234 fleet from MiniArt – due next month…
The sprue layouts:
MiniArt has provided the full sprue layout of this kit, showing all of the parts from the complete interior kit. The interior kit contains a large number of pieces, as well as a great deal of detail.