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Preview: MiniArt 35th scale Sd.Kfz.234/3 w/2cm Schwebelafette 38
Sd.Kfz.234/3 w/2cm Schwebelafette 38
From MiniArt
1/35th scaleModels
Kit No #35431
for two options included in the box
DecalsPhoto-etch parts included
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1010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010 Check out the additions in our updated preview…
Preview: MiniArt’s 35th scale Sd.Kfz.234/3 w/2cm Schwebelafette 38Sd.Kfz.234/3 w/2cm Schwebelafette 38
Kit No #35431
for two options in the box
Photo-etch parts included
The Subject: Sd.Kfz.2343 w/2cm Schwebelafette 38
The Sd.Kfz. Kit No. 35431
for two options in the box
Photo-etch parts included
The Subject: Sd.Kfz.2343 w/2cm Schwebelafette 38
The Sd.Kfz. As a substitute for the turret, base 234/3 was equipped with a K51 L/24 7.5 cm cannon mounted in an open top superstructure. However, o
ne Sd. Kfz. The Stabskompanie Pz.A.A. converted Kfz. Pz.Div.
The converted vehicle from the 20th Panzer Division. Pz.Div.
The converted vehicle from the 20th Panzer Division.
This particular model is equipped with a 2 cm Schwebelafette 38, which is a type of anti-aircraft gun. The term “Schwebelafette” translates to “floating mount,” indicating that this gun was designed to be stabilized on a moving vehicle, allowing it to engage air and ground targets while in motion.
The Kit from MiniArt
Another version of the 234 – this one is the base Sd.Kfz. The 234/ with the large gun removed, and the 2cm Schwebelafette in its place.
Below we have the CADs showing the vehicle features…01001010The gold colour is the photoetch & brass added to this kit.01001010A view of the underside of the hull roof01001010The interior is supplied for the fighting compartment and turret only in this case01001010The turret of the 2cm Schwebelafette 38 is provided in full of course01001010Sprues:01001010The kit is not quite a full interior kit, as there is no engine inside the compartment, but everything else is included.01001010Photo-etch: One sheet of photo etch is provided for this kit. Don’t worry, it’s not very big.01001010The sheet of decals covers both marking options in the kit01001010Speaking of marking choices, two are shown here in full color…01001010This should be available from MiniArt distributors around the world next month. You can see more about this kit 01001010New MiniArt Kits Available November 202401001010Restocked Items:01001010