The study of bloody battles for Cotentin Peninsula, and the crucial port of Cherbourg continues in Defending Normandy Vol.1B.
The book offers a unique deep dive by analysing the original records and account of four additional infantry divisions. The 709. Infanterie-Division, which defended Utah Beach during D-Day. Later played an important role in the Battle of Cherbourg. The 243. The Infanterie-Division was heavily engaged in fighting the U.S. VII Corps and fought against the Allies until July. The 265th Infanterie-Division could only despatch a battlegroup, but it too saw heavy fighting and represents many of the difficulties faced by German forces in the west. Infanterie- Division was only able to send out a single battlegroup but they too experienced heavy combat and represent many of the problems that German forces faced in the West. After D-Day, the 353rd Infanterie Division was sent to Normandy. It formed the backbone of fighting in southern Cotentin during July while other elements fought costly battles around Saint-Lo. Infanterie-Division was sent to Normandy after D-Day, forming the backbone of the fighting in southern Cotentin in July, while other elements fought costly battles around Saint-Lo.
Combined with the two divisions covered in Vol.1A, these four infantry divisions are key to understanding the role of the LXXXIV. A.K. A.K.