Seafire FR MK.47
Special Hobby has released the Seafire Mk.47 1:72 this month.
The final Spitfire version, that is. The Mk.21 and Mk.22, sometimes called second-generation Spitfires or the Mk.45.46.47 versions of the Seafire were navalized versions. Mk.47 Seafires were most like the Spitfire 24 but their airframe was significantly modified. It was necessary to have an arresting hook, which in this instance had a sting-shaped design at the end of the plane. This Seafire could still be used on the Navy’s newest carriers because the Y-type wing was foldable. The propeller was six-bladed and counter-rotating. South Marston produced 99 Seafires of the very last version. They were sent to the No.800 Squadron on HMS Triumph and No.804 squadron detached from HMS Ocean. The machines’ post-war service went smoothly and they were retired in mid-1950. Only the Seafires of 800 Sqn were used to fight communists in Malaya, in 1949. They flew off the HMS Triumph. The same unit also took part, a year after the war began in Korea. The unit flew 245 offensive missions, 155 attack ground sorties and 345 defensive fighter missions over Korea Peninsula between the dates of 3 July 1950 to 20 September. Our model kitset includes two Seafire Mk.47 variants that were used in Korea during 1950. The kit also includes a fret of photo etches and a new sprue with alternative bomb and rocket missile armament parts. The kit also contains a fret of photo etches and a new sprue with alternative bomb and rocket missile armament parts.
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is available now from Special Hobby – Price: 26.20 EurosPlease remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on Hobbyzero