The Lens, Part IV
We take a closer look at the 4th title from the Through the Lens series of books by Peko Publishing.
Peko’s Through the Lens series is focused on the modeller. This release by Jon Feenstra is a landscape hardback book. The paper inside has a nice quality and the information presented well. This title contains 124 pages and a good mix of content. All of this for EUR24.60
Panzerkampfwagen II (Sd.Kfz.121)
Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf.J (Sd.Kfz.141)
Panzerjager III/IV fur 8.8 cm Pak 43/1 (Sd.Kfz.164) “Hornisse/Nashorn”
15 cm Panzerwerfer 42 Sd.Kfz.4/1
Sd.Kfz.251 mittlerer Schutzenpanzerwagen
38M Toldi I/II (A20)
There is no dedicated text to talk of but the large size of the images enables your eyes to pick out details that are easily missed in a smaller image. The captions are very detailed and provide additional information about the vehicle or unit. Information is written in a well-written English font. The blurry images were chosen by the author to illustrate a particular action or scene, and he did not have an image that was of high quality. The images, despite their large size, are generally of good or very good quality.
The conclusion of the article is:
This is another great release by Peko Publishing in the Through the Lens Series. The book title may have some expecting written texts, but it is actually what’s inside. As the pictures have a mixed quality, I would expect the same mix in photographic quality for the author. The captions are very well-written and contain a good amount of text.