GAZ Tiger 1/35 Scale from Meng Models
Started lately a new project, it’s about a wrecked GAZ Tiger. Making wrecked vehicles is always a bit hit or miss cause many things can go wrong or finally do not look realistic.
On another side, you could be ‘creative destructive’ (in lack of having better works) when damaging vehicles cause you to have to work at many parts similarly to create a more realistic looking. Great fun for me.
Well, I have plenty of reference pics on hand showing very heavily damaged areas.
I decided to simulate a heavy explosion at the front and so cut the engine haul. The substituted area I have reworked from a mustard tube which is made from thin metal foil and very well suitable for that purpose.
The wheel consists of the rims only, the engine compartment is completely fake. All parts are made from scratch, other parts from older kits or PE-Sets, and a bit of phantasy.
The driver’s door will be mounted in the opened position, heavily damaged by fire. The inner area is completely burned which I’ve simulated by a visible lock mechanism. The pealed-off color at the outer area is simulated by using mod dodge.
The engine compartment is completely fake. All parts are made from scratch or come from other kits.
Among them are brass and lead wire (0.8 and 1 mm), 2k Putty, aluminum foil, paper, old PE-Parts, a tea bag (to simulate the inner insulation mat of the engine haul)
Mr. Surfacer 500
More detailed view of a tea bag used as a damaged insulation mat
Damaged and burnt driver’s door. Details inside are completely made from scratch using paper, lead wire, and old PE-Parts
The outer area with pealed paint is simulated with Mode Podge