SIAI-Marchetti SF.260AM/M/W
1/48th scale
Code #100-SH48207
The SF-260 is an Italian training, sports and aerobatic aeroplane that is flown almost all over the world. It was used in Europe by Italy, Belgium and the Irish Air Corps. Special Hobby has already released a 1/72-scale reproduction of the SF-260. Now we release its 1/48-scale cousin. Kit set includes four styrene parts, one clear part with an earlier canopy lower hood. Later, the second generation SF-260EA/D airframes with bulged canopy will be available. The second generation SF-260EA/D airframes with bulged canopy will become available later on.
The decal sheet covers markings for anniversary Belgium and Italy airframes and the third option is a standard-looking Irish machine of the SF-260W version, which comes with underewing armament and pylons.
– interesting colour schemes
– finely detailed decals with full set of stencils
– compared other existing 1/48 SF-260 kits, our one has nice and crisp surface details and the canopy hood of correct shape and type.
Seafire FR MK.47 ‘The Last Royal Navy Propeller Fighter’
1/72n Scale
Code #100-SH72501
The final Spitfire versions, i.e. The Seafire Mk.45/46/47 versions are navalized versions of the Mk.21/22 and 24 (also known as the Second Generation Spitfires). Mk.47 Seafires were most like the Spitfire 24 but their airframe had been significantly modified. It was necessary to have an arresting hook, which in this instance had a sting-shaped design at the end of the plane. This Seafire could still be used on the Navy’s newest carriers because the Y-type wing was foldable. The propeller was six-bladed and counter-rotating. South Marston produced 99 Seafires of the very last version. They were eventually sent to the No.800 Squadron on HMS Triumph and No.804 squadron detached from HMS Ocean. Their post-war service went smoothly and they were retired in mid 1950. Only the Seafires of 800 Sqn were used to fight communists insurgents on Malaya’s shores, in 1949. They flew off the HMS Triumph. The same unit also took part, a year after the war began in Korea. The unit flew 245 offensive missions, 155 attack sorties and 135 ground attacks over Korea Peninsula between 3 July 1950 and 20 September. Our model kitset includes two Seafire Mk.47 variants that were used in Korea during 1950. The kit also contains a fret of photo etches and a new sprue with alternative bomb and rocket missile armament parts. Kit also includes a fret with photo-etchings, and an additional sprue containing alternative parts for the bombs and missiles. The Fokker D.21 was designed in the 1930s, during an era of real innovation in aircraft design. It was an aircraft with a low, modern wing. The D.21 was a modern, low-wing aircraft. The Dutch East Indies Air Force ordered the first type. Later, it served with air forces in Europe, including the Netherlands, Denmark, and Finland. The versions used by each air force were slightly different. Dutch aircraft were employed to combat the German Luftwaffe Bf 109Es. We also include schemes for machines which achieved victories in the air over these modern German fighters. This kit is an upgraded and improved version of the MPM72571 release.
– this kit is and upgraded and improved earlier MPM72571 release
– contais resin, 3D printed and etched parts.
– interesting history with strong story behind every airframe portrayed.
AJ/JA/SF-37 Viggen (Single Seater) Splinter Camo MASK
1/48th scale
Code #100-M48022
Pre-cut spray mask for the distinctive spliter colour scheme worn by single seater Viggens.
SK-37 Viggen (Two Seater) Splinter Camo MASK
1/48th scale
Code #100-M48023
Pre-cut spray mask for the distinctive spliter colour scheme worn by two seater Viggens.
Lippisch Li P.13 Schnell Bomber Luftwaffe Project
1/72th Scale
Code# 129-PLT255
The Lippisch Li P.13 was a German high-speed, tandem-mounted twin engine bomber project which we offer now in the resin cast format in the Planet
range.The resin parts of the kit come with a sheet of decals, vacuum-formed clear parts and undercarriage legs made of heat-treated resin material.
The Lippisch P.13 project was developed by the team led by Josef Hubert, the head of Lippisch’s aerodynamic department of the Messerschmitt concern. When the Lippisch design office was dissolved, the P.13 project was abandoned altogether and its designation was later given to different ones.
Tai-atari Yuyoku Funshindan Japanese Rocket Plane (project 1 and 2)
1/72nd scale
Code #129-PLT281
3D-printed parts of this set portray the Japanese project of piloted ram missiles planned to destroy high flying B-29 bombers or other similar targets. The kit contains two versions of the missiles and their transport trolleys.
Tai-atari Yuyoku Funshindan Japanese Rocket Plane (project 1 and 2) Models1/48th scale
Code# 129-PLT283
3D-printed parts of this set portray the Japanese project of piloted ram missiles planned to destroy high flying B-29 bombers or other similar targets. The kit contains two versions of the missiles and their transport trolleys.
3D printed Parts from CMK
US Navy Aircraft Tow Bar
1/48th Scale
Code #129-P48013
Modern style tow bar as used for US Navy aircraft on carriers. Tow bar universal, just like the original. It also includes a safety chain, a decal and the F9F Cougar correction wheels for Kitty Hawk Kits. Original kit parts have some serious flaws, the most obvious of which is missing brakes. Our new wheels do not omit this detail and on top of that they also have nicely weighted tyres with realistic looking tread pattern.
Women’s bicycle – first half of 20th century (3 pcs. )
1/72nd Scale
Three 3D printed women’s bikes in 72nd scale…