Steel Lobsters – Crown, Commonwealth and the Last Knights of England
OSPREY PUBLISHING has announced STEEL LOBSTERS, CROWN COMMONWEALTH AND THE LAST KINGS OF ENGLAND. These knights fought using firearms rather than lances or swords. The book also includes super-heavy horse cavalry and how the wars of the 17th century were fought, as well as the personalities, political beliefs, and spirituality of those who fought.
The last knights fully armored took the battlefields of the 17th Century. What did the knights do and how successful were they as warfare and weaponry became more lethal? In
Steel Lobsters: Crown, Commonwealth, and the Last Knights of England, author and historian Myke Cole tells the little-known story of the last unit to fight on English soil wearing full armor, the English Civil War Parliamentarian regiment commissioned by Sir Arthur Hesilrige, colloquially known as, “Steel Lobsters.” They looked like the knights-in-shining-armor of the medieval world, only this time they carried guns instead of lances.This amazing unit existed as the Lobsters for a single month, fighting in just three engagements and all fought in July 1643. This book has a lot of information about other things than just the Lobsters. This book, written by Myke Cole who is a master storyteller and medievalist, is ideal for those readers seeking a rich history.